Cazenovia Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps (CAVAC)

CAVAC is Cazenovia, New York’s local volunteer ambulance service.  CAVAC consists of  volunteer drivers, crew coordinators, and EMTs, and paid professional paramedics. CAVAC relies and thrives on the commitments made by its dedicated  volunteers. High-school Student Corps members also support our operations. To learn more about our volunteer roles click here

CAVAC has some home medical equipment available to loan, primarily walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and commodes. To get these items stop by CAVAC between the hours of 7am-7pm (depending on staff availability as we may be out on 911 calls). CAVAC is located at 106 Nelson Street, Cazenovia (across from McDonalds and adjacent to the Hampton Inn).

CAVAC serves as the primary ambulance company for the area of the Cazenovia School District including Fenner, Nelson, New Woodstock, Delphi Falls and parts of Pompey (and modifications as needed and determined by Madison County 911). CAVAC also has mutual aid agreements with surrounding agencies to both assist and receive assistance as needed on emergencies where more EMS resources are needed to respond to a call(s).

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